n Jesus was about to physically, visually, ascend into heaven, He gathered His disciples and gave them what the Church refers to as “the Great Commission”:
All authority has been given to Me, in heaven and on earth; Go, therefore, and
make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…
This is the mission, the purpose of the pilgrim Church on earth – to make disciples. But how does that happen? Christ’s own words give us significant guidance: “baptizing them…” and “teaching them…” So, to make disciples, we must provide them the grace of the sacraments – Baptism first of all. But it is not enough to “sacramentalize” them… we must also teach them… not just provide them information, not just give them the knowledge about Jesus, but actually provide for their spiritual formation, to help them to come to know Jesus: to know Him, to love Him, and to make Him – and His Church – known and loved. This is our mission.
The Faith Formation ministry of Sacred Heart Catholic Church is seeking to accomplish this mission in ever more life-changing ways, in the lives of ADULTS, YOUTH, and CHILDREN.
ADULT FAITH GROUP: This season’s class is on
Thursdays 7:00 pm begins January 12th
Contact Betty Rossi – 295-0489
The book is St. Peter.
Tuesdays 10:00am Beginning the 10 of January.
Contact: Ed Biebrich: 585-4564
The Psalms
ANGELORUM PRAYER GROUP: Meets Wednesdays 8:30 am
Contact Jane Ferrelle: 401-301-3581
OCIA Information About the Catholic Church/Classes
For Adult Conversion. Meets Mondays at 7:00 pm
Contact: Deacon Guy Berry:913-306-6216
MEDITATION GROUP: Meets Wednesday 8:45-9:45 am
Family Room. Contact: Helen Schillaci 255-0545